

Air Conditioning Check Up
16 Point A/C performance check up with written estimate, Refrigerant up to 1 lb. included.
*Most cars 1996 and newer using R134a refrigerant. Call for details


New Car Batteries
*Most cars and light trucks call for more details


Repair Service
Present this coupon to receive 10% off any service we perform on your vehicle. Bill must exceed $89. Not valid with any other offer.


Brake Pads Installed
Our economy brake pads service includes: New economy brake pads, Installation labor, a written estimate on any recommendations and a 1 year / 12,000 mile warranty on the parts.


Check Engine light on
Free check engine light code reading on Most 1996 and newer cars and light trucks
*Most cars, Call for details, Code reading only no diagnostics, Diagnostics offered from $85


Pre-Purchase / Saftey Inspections
*Most cars, price based on 1 hr. max inspection time. Call for more infomation


Radiator System Clean and Flush
Inhibits rust and scale, Lubricates water pumps, Helps eliminate overheating, Safe to use with all antifreeze
*Most cars call for details


Synthetic Oil Change
We Change your engine oil with up to 5 qtrs. of synthetic motor oil and install new oil filter, and set tire pressures.
Most cars and trucks additional qtrs. may be needed at an addition cost, sorry we do not service European vehicles call or text for details or to make an appointment